Woven Dog Leash
According to NBC news, despite the economy, pet owners still spend more money on their pets today than in generations past. Why not use pet related promotional products to market your business or service.
6 ft leash has heavy duty snap hardware with your name or logo woven into the leash will keep your name front and center as the pet walks. Each leash includes a 1-color woven imprint on 1-color webbing or webbing with no imprint. Made in the USA, this will work for pet or non pet related businesses. 1 in by 6 ft are 6.20 for 50-99 pieces, 5.60 ea for 100-249, 5.30 for 250-499 and 4.30 ea for 500 or more. Colors available are: Athletic Gold, black, Copen blue (light blue), forest, gold, green, lime, maroon, navy, orange, pink, purple, rainbow, red, royal blue, silver, sky, teal, white or yellow. Set up 40.00. Item #705-6022.

6 ft leash has heavy duty snap hardware with your name or logo woven into the leash will keep your name front and center as the pet walks. #705-6022
Order today! 877-351-2627 info@petpromotionals.com
Tags: dog leash with logo, leash with logo, logo on pet leash, order pet leash with business name, personalized leash, pet business gift, pet convention gift, Pet Promotional Products, pet tradeshow handout
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