Art Specifications
To get the crispest and clearest imprint, embroidery or debossing on your items, we need camera ready art. Camera-ready art is high quality black and white artwork that is created in vector format, in an art program such as Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. Vector art simply means that it has been drawn or created in an art program. The final version should be printed from a laser printer. We can scan art that is not camera ready and redraw it for a small charge. However, just scanning art does NOT make it camera ready. It still has to be recreated in an art software program. Another helpful tip is to send in the best art possible, even if we are helping you get your art in vector format. The reason that you want vector version is that you get a better quality imprint from that type of file. Should you have complex art questions, please ask us and we can get a quote before the order is place. The files we can use are ones created in an art program: ai and eps. We cannot use PrintShop, jpg or bmp.
Email us if you have an art question.
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